壯大夢想的Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key﹐內容的每一個細節卻都令人驚艷
Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。博客來書店
Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key是本不錯的語言學習,誠意推薦給大家看喔!
真的不錯,內容精彩,好看的語言學習Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key全書的內容大意!
作者: Ingrid Wisniewska, Dorothy E. Zemach
看完有一種說不出的感動,剛出版的時候我就已經在看了 !
Open Your World
openMind 2nd Edition builds on the success of the first edition of this American English young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills. Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.
Part of The Mind Series, incorporating masterMind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study Online Workbooks, and projectable Student's Books.
The openMind 2nd edition Print Workbook pack consolidates and builds on the language and topics taught in the Student's Book. The Workbook is perfect for recycling language, reinforcing material already learnt and providing extra activities. The accompanying audio CD contains all the listening exercises used in the Workbook. This is a 'With' Key version.
?Print Workbook consolidates material from the Student’s Book
?Audio CD contains all the listening exercises used in the Workbook
?This is a ‘With’ Key version, including all the answers for the exercises within the Workbook
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作者: Ingrid Wisniewska, Dorothy E. Zemach
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2014/11/07
- 語言:英文
Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key
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Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key推薦,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key討論,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key比較評比,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key開箱文,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key部落客
Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key那裡買,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key價格,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key特賣會,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key評比,Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key部落客 推薦
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歐巴馬選中63歲的賈蘭德,接任今年2月13日過世、保守派大法官史卡利亞(Antonin Scalia)所遺留的空缺。史卡利亞被認為是最高法院30年來最具影響力的保守派聲音。
Open Mind 2-e (3) WB with Audio CD-1片 and Key博客來
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